Patricia Crowther (Thelema)(1927- )

Patricia is another well-known High Priestess who has done much for the Goddess movement and has written several books. For many years she was married to Arnold Crowther, a stage magician and acquaintance of Aleister Crowley's. Patricia lives in Sheffield with her husband, Ian.
Patricia's books:

An overview of Patrica Crowther can be read here on Wikipedia.
It's a Night For the Witches - an article that featured in Sheffield Star (30th October 1965)
The Eye of the Witch Goddess - an article by Justine Glass about Arnold Crowther's painting. 'Prediction' (June 1966)
An article about Midsummer from the Weekend Telegraph (June 17th 1966), featuring Patricia can be found here.
Read an article from Occult magazine (Jan 1975) by Dr Leo Louis Martello which mentions his visit to the Crowther's in 1973 (thanks to MBW).
You can find an older article about Patricia taken from Weekend (June 17th-23rd 1981) here.
'Far Out' wrote an article about Patricia in the 1990's. Read it here.
http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/c/crowther_patricia_c.html - article about Patricia.
Listen to this clip featuring a young Patricia Crowther singing 'Lord Of The Dance'
There is a page about Patricia Crowther in French here.
Video Clips
Watch 'A Witches World' about Patricia
Pat Crowther - Witch grandmother
A Day for Patricia
The Rite of Pisces
Witches Ritual - Patrica and Arnold Crowther Part 1
Witches Ritual - Patrica and Arnold Crowther Part 2