Beaufort House Index of English Traditional Witchcraft
WTC 100-1-0; revised 15 January 1999
This is a genealogical 'site index' of the English Craft Traditions (including Gardnerian, Alexandrian and the like) and their offshoots. Coven leaders are the intended audience for this index (and, indeed, for the entire Beaufort House site); the information here given is, nevertheless, of a non-initiatory and non-Oathed nature, as we have no ultimate control over the way in which this index is accessed (barring our judicious selection of cross-links to Traditional Wiccan rather than Pagan or 'Wicca/Pagan' websites)
Highlighted links lead to brief discussions (suitable for pre-initiate seekers) of the theology, practice and history of the various Traditions, along with contact information where such is available. Follow the links through to find additional resources. Links which are shown in [italics] lead off-site; you will have to use your browser's 'back' button to return here.
Please also read our explanatory notes, which discuss our rationale, methods and membership.
Herewith, the index itself:
1920s Earlier forms of Witchcraft, about which we know very little.
1951 Gerald Gardner's original coven. At this stage the Tradition had not yet been named.
1954 Gardnerian Witchcraft (in Britain) [intro]
1959 Gardnerian Witchcraft (in Canada) [intro] [contacts]
[secrecy] [Six Roads]
1962? Central Valley Wicca [intro] later known as the Silver Crescent Tradition
or the Order of the Silver Crescent, (distinct from the British group of the same name) [intro]-
1968? Majestic Order / Myjestic Tradition
1973 Kingstone Tradition [intro] [contacts]
1983 Aquarian Tabernacle Tradition
1973 American Tradition
1975 Assembly of Wiccan [intro] [contacts]
1993 Daoine Coire Tradition [intro] [contacts]
1963 Gardnerian Witchcraft (in America) [intro] [contacts] [secrecy] [public relations]
1969 Pagan Way Witchcraft (in Chicago) [intro] [history] [structure]
1970 Dianic (MacFarland) Witchcraft
1974 Isian Tradition
1974 Western Isian Tradition
1987 StarKindler Tradition [intro] [contacts] [history] [readings]
1996 Aglaian Tradition [contacts] [history] [website]
1969 American / Mohsian Tradition [intro] [contacts] [website]
1985 New Albion Tradition
1970 Pagan Way Witchcraft (in Philadelphia)
1973 Open Goddess Tradition
1974 American Traditional Witchcraft
1975 Blue Star Witchcraft [intro] [contacts]
1979 Odyssian Tradition (Wiccan Church of Canada) [intro]
1985 Pagans for Peace Tradition
1996 Odyssian Reformed Tradition [website]
1983 Windblown Tradition [intro] [contacts]
1986 Tradition of the Rainbow Wheel [website]
1985? Pagan Way Witchcraft (in California) [website]
1990 Ceili Sidhe Tradition [intro]
1972? Seax-Wicca
1974? Clan Ragan
1986? Northwind Tradition [intro] [contacts][website]
1975 Minoan Brotherhood [intro] [contacts]
1975? Maidenhill Tradition
1976? 'The Tradition' (in New England) [website]
1982 Minoan Sisterhood [intro] [contacts]
1991 Protean Tradition [intro] [contacts] [history] [non-coercion] [counselling][seasons between the sabbats][sabbats]
1994? Cornfield Tradition
1997 Dragon's Weave [website]
1991? California Gardnerian (CalGard) Witchcraft
1996 Oldenwilde Traditional Witchcraft (also see Serpentstone Tradition, above) [website]
1963 Alexandrian Witchcraft (in Britain) [website]
1967? Alexandrian Witchcraft (in Germany)
1971? Medeazotharian Witchcraft (tentative placement)
1995 Church of the Wiccan Way [website]
1995 Ancient Mystic Order of Wicca
1970 Alexandrian Witchcraft (in America) [contacts] [The Guardian]
1970 Du Bandia Grasail line [intro] [contacts]
1972 Keepers of the Ancient Mysteries [intro]
1990s Eleusinian Tradition
1992? Tuatha De Danann Tradition
1998 Earthwise Tradition [intro] [contacts]
1975 Ganymede/Chthonioi branch [intro] [contacts]
1976 Glainn Sidhr Witchcraft
1990s Chthonian Tradition (in California)
1986 NFG branch [intro] [contacts]
1987 StarKindler Tradition [intro] [contacts] [history] [readings]
1975 Gardnerian-Eclectic Witchcraft (via Minneapolis, to California)
1972 Alexandrian Witchcraft (in Canada)
1975 Halifax line [intro] [contacts] [history]
1976? Cerridwen Tradition
1974 Algard Witchcraft (in America)
1976? Algard Witchcraft (in Canada)
1984 Communitarian Witchcraft / Wicca Communitas
1990? Star Sapphiran Tradition
1997? Knight Phases Tradition
1982? Alexandrian Witchcraft (in Eire)
1991 Neo-Alexandrian Witchcraft (in Western Canada)
1990s? Alexandrian Witchcraft (in Sweden)
1965? 'Sara Cunningham's Family'
1970 Sicilian Witchcraft (in America)
1973 Druidic Craft of the Wise (placement tentative)
1986 Sacred Grove Tradition
1982? Gardnerian Witchcraft (in the Netherlands) [website]
1988 Gardnerian Witchcraft (in Germany) [intro][contacts]
1990 Gardnerian Witchcraft (in Norway) [intro][contacts] [history]
1994 Gardnerian Witchcraft (in Austria)
1954? Rhean Tradition
1980s Unicorn Tradition (in America) [website]
1988? Unicorn Tradition (in Germany)
1957 'Brighton Coven Craft' (see also Cochrane groups, below)
1977? Brighton Traditional Craft (in Canada)
1953 Traditionalist (Cochrane) Witchcraft
1955? Boread Tradition (tentative placement)
1964 1734 Tradition [intro] [contacts] [history]
1966 The Regency
1968 Order of the Silver Crescent (distinct from the like-named American group)
1970 American Celtic (Sheban) Tradition
1970 Sisterhood and Brotherhood of Wicca [website]
1971 American Brotherhood of the Order of Wicca
1975 Ravenwood Tradition [website]
1980 Celtic Traditionalist (Foxwoods) Witchcraft [intro] [contacts] [history]
1997 Prytani Tradition [website]
1997? Morganan Tradition (tentative placement) [contacts]
1980? Minnesota Church of Wicca
1990 Crystal Moon Tradition
1997? Elemental Spirit Tradition [website]
1976 The Roebuck / Ancient Keltic Church [intro] [contacts] [history] [questions]
1968 Church and School of Wicca [website]
1978 Celtic Wicca (Our Lady of Enchantment)
1971 Georgian Tradition (in America) [intro] [contacts] [history]
1977 Church of Wicca of Bakersfield
1988 Georgian Tradition (in Canada) [website]
1989 Amergin Tradition (tentative placement)
document TRADLIST © 1997-1999 Beaufort House Association. This document may be freely linked, reproduced and distributed for non-commercial purposes only.
last updated: January 15, 1999
GWI: WTC 100-1-0
the address of this page is: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/5756/tradlist.html
Please feel free to e-mail the Webmistress via: brigantia3@aol.com. -